Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Katarina Sweater, for Mom

I have been very busy lately and yet have managed to start on my mother's Christmas Sweater! I only have 2 inches left of the back, so I will post new pictures when that's finished.


  1. Cool! Looking good! Also I'm so impressed you already started on Xmas. =) I'm finishing up my brother's Xmas socks...from last year! =D but I'll be wrapping them for this year instead.

  2. Looks great! I just cast on for Katarina this evening! Using Portland Tweed in a great blue. Will bookmark your blog so that I can follow along (and pick your brain, too!)

  3. @ kt

    Congrats on joining! I am almost 3/4 of the way finished. I have been so busy March is unbelievable. I still have to decide on a pattern for this month. I thinks it's going ot be a shawl though.

    Happy knitting!
